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Rebuilding Digestive Tracts

Many people experience abdominal bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and/or belching – and when one doesn’t absorb nutrients properly, other symptoms may occur, such as fatigue, body aches, or loss of vitamins. Why does this happen? The small intestine (SI) gets overpopulated with bacteria that is not familiar to the SI. The SI is home to 10,000 bacteria per milliliter …

A Bold Portfolio

The next time you meet with your Financial Advisor, you may want to discuss new ways to manage your portfolio. For instance, one increasingly popular option among individual investors is managed accounts, a way to tap into resources traditionally reserved for the very largest investors such as pension funds, endowments and high-networth investors. Inside Managed Accounts You may find managed accounts …

A Highlands Benchmark

When the Atlanta developers began their layout of this gorgeous 80- acre tract of land located on the Dillard Road near Highlands Country Club, they separated it into two areas – The Grayrocks and The Hemlocks. The Grayrocks comprises the inner core of the development and boasts beautiful vistas and sunsets. The name came from moss-covered rocks seen throughout and upon …

The Red Barn

Those of us in the Cashiers area find it necessary to drive to Sylva at least a couple of times a year as that’s where Jackson County’s business takes place. Most of us use Highway 107 North, starting at the Cashiers Crossroads, for our drive to the county seat and it is a scenic route through natural and man-made history …

Pin-ups to Landscapes

The Highlands Plateau, well known for its natural and manmade beauty, supports many artists and craftsmen, among them George Keener of Walnut Creek. His family tree is rooted in the Keeners of Highlands and Goldmine. Keener was a self-proclaimed shade-tree mechanic of 40 years, rebuilding many an automatic transmission. His well-trained mechanical hands were equally gifted at painting, his true …

Deer to Their Hearts

Fawns score about a million points on the cuteness scale. When found in the wild, we make the assumption they are abandoned. We want to “rescue” them because they are so darn adorable. Truth is, 99 percent of the time, they don’t need rescuing. Mother Deer has put them in hiding mode while she goes to forage or divert danger. …

Bear Matters

B.E.A.R. (Bear Education and Resources), a task force of MountainTrue, has been working hard over the winter and is ready to launch several exciting new programs. Chairwoman and bear enthusiast Cynthia Strain says, “B.E.A.R. is all about harmonious coexistence. It’s our mission to keep people and bears safe.” “That’s not always easy. Living in the mountains, we share the same …

Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis

Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis L., is a member of the Papaveraceae family. It is a native spring wildflower that grows in our rich woodlands. It can grow in full sun, but is more often found in semi-shaded, light-wooded areas with moist, acidic soil. A perennial that grows up to 10 inches tall, the plant has a single, basal leaf that can …

Wood Thrush

The Wood Thrush’s loud, flute-clear ee-oh-lay song rings through the Plateau’s forests in summer. This reclusive bird’s cinnamon brown upperparts are good camouflage as it scrabbles for leaf-litter invertebrates deep in the forest, though it pops upright frequently to peer about, revealing a boldly spotted white breast. Though still numerous, its rapidly declining numbers may be due in part to cowbird nest parasitism at …

Golf Ego-adjustment

In teaching and playing with many club golfers, there are two glaring faults I notice on nearly every course. Not taking enough club. We all want to hit the ball further, and that’s not a bad thing, but I see so many golfers picking the club that they would have to hit perfect with a hard swing to reach the …

‘Hosta’ La Vista

It starts in February. Your mailbox gets one. Then two, sometimes more. I’m talking about seed catalogs, gardening and plant magazines, and that’s when the dreaming begins. During some of the darkest days of winter, we’re dreaming of the beautiful images in those ‘wishbooks’. Why is it there’s usually something on e.v.e.r.y. single page that catches your eye? So, you …

Up Close with Annika

Annika Sorenstam, one of the most successful golfers in history, is coming to The Plateau in May and the public is invited meet her. Old Edwards Club will play host to Up Close with Annika on Sunday, May 24, from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Guests will enjoy a strolling dinner reception, passed hors d’oeuvres and spirits, door prizes, and the …