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Hooray for Rosé

Called rosado in Spain, rosato in Italy, and #summerwater on social media…by any other name, in the world of wine, a rosé is still one of the most fashionable ways to welcome warmer weather.   Perhaps one of the oldest wines, rosés have sashayed up to the proverbial plate, not only in popularity but in quality as well.  Rosé has …

A Slice of Highlands

Before we get to the food, let me start by saying that I love stepping into Dusty’s.  In all my reviews in all these issues of Laurel, I’ve never used the L Word. I’ve reminisced about nearly-forgotten childhood flavors and sensations, rhapsodized about the possibilities offered by a chef’s daring feat of alchemy, and reveled in the chance discovery of …

The Plucky Perching Birds of March

March is a winter month and the hearty birds that we see this month have endured the long, cold days and nights of the lingering season.   Prominent amongst these are the perching birds – the iconic red Cardinal in the snow, perky Carolina Chickadees, mercurial Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted and Red-breasted Nuthatches, swarming Pine Siskins, Dark-eyed Junco and …

Beautiful Imposter

We’ve already covered “a rose by any other name” in a previous issue, but this issue starts out with an imposter!    Yes, there’s a garden flower that tries to go by the name of “rose” – probably because she didn’t want to be called by her given name – Helleborus  (and can you blame her?) Helleborus plants are beautiful …

Dark-eyed Junco

The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) is a type of sparrow, this forest floor dweller is slate-colored with bright white tail feathers on display during flight. One of the most populous birds in North America, the Dark-eyed Junco is a year-round resident in the Appalachian Mountains as well as a winter migrant from Alaska, Canada and Western mountains. They are winter …

Snapping Turtle

The snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North Carolina. It has a very large head, a long neck, and a long tail, which is saw-toothed along the top. The carapace (top of shell) is large and varies in color from black to light brown. The plastron (bottom of shell) is small and unhinged. Average length varies from 8 …

Tamin’ the Snow

With the winter season coming to a close in the mountains, many are anxious for the next snow and a chance to take a trip down a hillside on a suitable craft.  For anyone that fits into this category, it’s a shame that snow doesn’t fall every day, but fortunately there are many outlets in the area, whether your passion …

Handling the Playhouse, Gingerly

Ginger Moseley, the Highlands Playhouse’s new Executive Director, is working with her staff to prepare for the coming season.  Throughout the winter Ginger has been acclimating herself to the Playhouse operations and establishing goals and objectives for her new role.  A talented photographer and mother of two, she is well-suited for this endeavor.     Before coming to the Playhouse, …

IN League with Art

With a refreshed board of directors, exciting new member benefits, and the growing popularity of the Summer and Fall Color shows, the Art League of Highlands and Cashiers is gearing up for a busy 2016. The ALHC season officially gets under way with the first community artist reception scheduled for Monday, April 25, in the Atrium at the Bascom.  These …

Have You Herd?

With an accomplished photographer’s eye and an understanding of light and chiaroscuro, Daphne Lisenby had an excellent shot at painting.   So three years ago she and her husband, both successful professional photographers in Atlanta, traded in their metro life for a bucolic one and moved to their Wolffork Valley Farm in Rabun Gap, Georgia.  Their lovely farmstead is home …

MET Opera and Bolshoi

The Highlands Performing Arts Center has earned a reputation for serving as a showcase for world-class performances of theatre, opera and ballet. At 12:55 P.M. Saturday, March 5, it’ll stage the MET Opera’s presentation of Puccini’s “Manon Lescaut” Live via satellite from New York City.  Few operas have surpassed “Manon” in the depiction of the urgency of young love.  This …

Our Field of Vision

The Bascom has teamed up with local photographer and avid conservationist Kevin Fitzpatrick to provide a week of interdisciplinary study with Highlands School’s art program.  This partnership is part of an ongoing relationship between The Bascom and Highlands School’s art department, where high school students visit The Bascom’s campus to receive supplementary instruction from visiting artists. The students study a …