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Magazine Issue


What Does It Mean to Detox?

When we think of detoxing, there are probably 100 different thoughts that come to mind.  Some people believe a detox means they should soak their feet until the water darkens; others think of fasting for several days to a month; some think of a special liquid diet; and so on and so on.  True detoxification occurs in the liver as …

Celebrating Mission’s Volunteers

Mission Hospital and Eckerd Living Center celebrate National Volunteer Month this April by recognizing those who assist their staff and patients in marvelous, magnanimous ways.  One of their most outstanding Eckerd volunteers is Amber Hornbarger.  Her husband required rehab.  She accompanied him for his sessions and became acquainted with staff and patients.  It wasn’t long before she was assisting others, …

CHS Restores 1890 Schoolhouse

The Cashiers Historical Society has been working tirelessly, restoring and renovating the historic Hampton School House, which was moved to the Historical Society grounds from High Hampton in August 2018.  The school was originally built in 1890 for the children of Cashiers by Wade Hampton III, and was staffed by his three sisters.  For many years this small schoolhouse was …

Whittling Away

When I was growing up, I remember seeing a little wooden figurine of a pig in my Nana’s living room.  I was told to be careful with it because it was lightweight and the legs were fragile.  My father made it.  He whittled it out of a piece of balsa wood.  His father, my grandpa, taught him how to whittle, …

The Dillard Legacy

After the split of North Carolina and Tennessee, the Dillard family found themselves on the Tennessee side of the state line.  With their true loyalties to the state of North Carolina, some of the family members decided to move to the remaining portion of North Carolina. Thomas Dillard III and his wife, Dorcas Polly Love Dillard, chose the Morgan area …

North Carolina’s Jumping Off Place

At the end of the Civil War, there were no roads to Highlands.  There were few settlers on the Plateau, and the area was devoted largely to Native American hunting grounds.  The land had not been fully explored or publicly mapped.  But behind the scenes, the Union hired a cartographer to prepare a war map of the region to keep …

Damselfly Dancer

Damselfly  Dancer (Genus Argia or Enallagma) The slender Blue-fronted Dancer is a Damselfly that flits, flutters, and bounces as it flies, making it a natural choreographer. Dancers’ flight patterns are not straight-lined. This Pond Damsel appears to dance and bounce along its way. Damselflies are smaller than Dragonflies, but they can be just as colorful.  

The Dance That Anglers Know

Springtime…it’s a magical time of the year in the Carolina Mountains.   Wildflowers, trees budding out, and songbirds singing are all like magnets to enjoying the great outdoors.  What often goes unnoticed is what’s happening in our local trout streams this time of year.  As water temperatures warm ever so slightly, the trout, and the aquatic insects they feed on, …

The Forest’s Trillium Surprise

Trillium is an early bloomer from the Lily Family (Liliaceae) that springs forth from the forest floor and loves to live in the shade. The timing works well in wooded areas because it has enough sun to grow before the trees form their dense canopy.  Keep an eye out for these beauties as you tromp through the woods and try …

Wilson’s Snipe

This bird is sufficiently rarely sighted for a “snipe hunt” to be synonymous with a boondoggle joke played upon the uninitiated and naïve.  There are millions of Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) in North America, but they are usually so well-camouflaged and secretive that they often go unseen.  It’s remarkable, then, that one was sighted recently on the Highlands Plateau during …

Going Wild with Nature

This summer, the Highlands Biological Station will offer a variety of workshops sure to pique the interest of every Highlands resident and visitor!   These fun and educational courses are geared toward the community with options for all.  Workshop topics this summer include nature photography, wildflowers, natural science illustration, birding, tree identification, and more.  The length of each workshop varies …

Heaven’s Backyard on the Bartram

Today – unseasonably warm and sunny when it was forecast to be cloudy and cold – my sweetheart and I were heading up to Rabun Bald, a first for both of us.  It’s one of the more popular hiking spots in the region, but I didn’t think it would be too crowded this early in the season. Was I ever …