Center for Acupuncture & Healing Arts

Highlands, NC

Kim Bonsteel is a fully qualified NCCAOM board-certified Diplomate of Acupuncture, certificant in Chinese herbal medicine, licensed acupuncturist, licensed bodywork therapist, and certified Myoskeletal Alignment Therapist. He is well-versed in traditional Chinese dietary therapy, informed by modern nutrition, natural therapeutics, and principles of functional medicine. A teacher and practitioner of medical qigong exercises, he also teaches and practices Cheng Man-ching style of Yang family t’ai chi. He is a master’s level graduate of Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine, a four year program, and teaches acupuncture there. A native of Florida, he has resided in the mountains of North Carolina full time since 1978. He raised his children here with herbal medicine and few doctor visits. An amateur botanist, he has collected and catalogued more than 250 species of medicinal plants of the southern Appalachians.