Cabin Couture

Highlands, NC

Cabin Couture, established in May of 2012, has outgrown its space and is expanding for the upcoming season.

Thankfully, they didn’t require a new location, merely a sledgehammer to break through the wall! For a retail store operating “off Main,” this bodes well for the state of Highlands’ economy.

The word couture is of French origin and the definition is “to sew together.” Cabin Couture, as the name implies, specializes in those accessories and furnishings that complete a home (or cabin) in these beautiful mountains. A huge percentage of new customers are drive-bys.

“Almost daily, it seems as if someone else comes into the store for the first time because they mistook the light or were going to the bank,” says Employee Terri Kennedy. “They see the storefront and are ready to investigate.”

Cabin Couture’s larger inventory makes this not-so-small store the “go-to place” for whatever space in your home is in need of a little (or a lot) of couture. Cherry, Terri and Spencer invite you to join them during the month of May for their Grand Opening and Anniversary Sale. Cabin Couture is located at 468 Carolina Way in Highlands across from Macon Bank.

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Is it true that people come to the mountains to shop? You bet! Most stores in the Highlands-Cashiers area are owner-operated. This means enjoying a level of personal attention unheard of at the mall. Many businesses have been here for decades and have become a destination for generations of shoppers.


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